We would like to inform you about the change of opening hours of our shop in the Food Pavilion of the Czech University of Life Sciences at Sídlištní 7, Prague - Suchdol. The new opening hours are...
The new pavilion of the Educational Centre for Processing of Agricultural Products of the Faculty of Agrobiology, Food and Natural Resources was built on the premises of the Czech University of Agriculture.
Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze se zúčastní 50. ročníku mezinárodního agrosalonu Země živitelka 2024. Od 22. do 27. srpna představí na českobudějovickém výstavišti řadu projektů…
The Food Pavilion (FAPPZ) is opening a new shop with artisanal university products on 20.02.2023. The shop will be open to students, staff and the public every weekday. You can enjoy...
The official opening of the Food Pavilion of the FAPPZ on the ČZU campus is approaching, several plants will be launched in basic mode at the beginning of the summer, others will gradually join.